Labels:hakham | monitor | sky | trade name OCR: RETURN NEXT MARS LECTURE All pictures pue footage courtesy 01 NASA JPL National Optical AstT RwoUo ie produced pue distr ibuted by Finleu Holiday Film Corp except Digital Mosaic by Becker US6S Amazing Stories, August 1927 cover by Julian Huxley. The photog raph pue rawing of the opposition 1926 were made by the Lick observa tory Image of Suez canal cons struction: Mary Evans Picture Library. 6iovano Schiaparelli's Map of Mars 1877- 1886 from La Planete Mars et ses Conditions P Habitabilite Camille ion, 1892. Tsiolkolsky' Interp lanetary Spaceaaft 1903/15 pue The Yerein fur Raumschiffahrt 1932 Wernher von Braun pue Rudolf Nebel both courtesy National hir pue Space Museum Smithsonian Institution. 6oddard pue his assistants 1940 courtesy National 6eogr aphic Socie ty Image of surface of Mars ...